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Articles by
Anna Rivera Jové

Anna Rivera Jové

How much does the wind blow in your future offshore wind project?

There is absolute consensus within the wind industry, that wind resource is a key input parameter for the initial...

Providing the right tools for the challenges that matter: The North Sea Summit

Three months ago Belgium, Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands pledged to jointly have at least 150GW of offshore wind...

Wind Europe Electric City 2021 in Copenhagen: Awarded most innovative start-up finalist by the Innovation Park!

Youwind Renewables attended the fair with a stand inside the Innovation Park section. Many fruitful talks with...

Welcome to the team, Claudia!

Today we are pleased to welcome Claudia Olivares to Youwind Renewables in our office based in Barcelona.

We made it finalist to Elia Group Open Innovation Challenge!

Our IT solution OptiWindow brought the attention of the jury for its user-friendliness and calculation power when...

Offshore wind farm development stages

Development is a challenging task and without a doubt, the most important one is to plan each production, cost, and...

New Danish offshore wind farm tenders opening

Last summer Belgium achieved a total of 1.775MW installed offshore wind capacity with the completion of Northwester 2...

ITT for Round 4 in the UK has now opened

Invitation to Tender (ITT) Stage 1 for Round 4 in the UK was opened last week. The Crown Estate offers this tender for...