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Youwind Renewables

Market Updates

Global Wind Markets in 2024

As renewable energy generation intensifies several markets are positioned as well established in the sector as well as...

New Danish offshore wind farm tenders opening

Last summer Belgium achieved a total of 1.775MW installed offshore wind capacity with the completion of Northwester 2...

ITT for Round 4 in the UK has now opened

Invitation to Tender (ITT) Stage 1 for Round 4 in the UK was opened last week. The Crown Estate offers this tender for...

Goldwind 8MW prototype unveiled

Chinese wind turbine supplier, Goldwind, launched today the prototype of a new offshore wind turbine with a turbine...

Permits for Hollandse Kust (Zuid) Wind Farm Sites III and IV (760 MW) have been issued to Vattenfall

On July 10th, 2019, the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy announced the permits for Hollandse Kust (zuid)...

South Holland Coast 3 & 4 cost development

This week the offshore wind power giant, Ørsted, announced they will participate in the bid for the Dutch offshore wind...

Siemens Gamesa Launches 10+ MW Offshore Wind Turbine

This week the wind power giant announced a new wind turbine that we have not had in the YOUWINd model calculations...