Invitation to Tender (ITT) Stage 1 for Round 4 in the UK was opened last week. The Crown Estate offers this tender for leasing of seabed to wind the rights to 7GW of new projects in the waters around England and Wales. Up to 2030, offshore wind will supply 33% of the total energy needed in the UK.
It has been a long journey for the UK offshore wind industry going from Leasing Round and now to Leasing Round 4. The development of the cost has especially been astonishing and the subsidy reduction has opened up further expansion in the industry. Read more about round 4 on the Crown Estate site and document library.
Crown estate rounds development. Figure taken from Crown Estate.
See further our market data, budgets, and project evaluation for Round 4 on our Youwind platform.
Further cost development on subsidy reduction from auctions can be seen in the graph below showcasing how important the LCOE reduction has become for the future development of offshore wind in the UK.
EU offshore wind power subsidy price development for commissioning 2014-2026.