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June 12, 2023
4 min read time

Youwind launches neighbouring wind parks in wake calculations, June 2023

Development Update – June 2023

It is summer! 🔅 So fire up the barbecue and invite the neighbours!

Well, in the wind energy community, we know that having neighbours will bring some yield losses. 🌤️  This month we are adding the possibility to include neighbouring wind parks in your wake loss calculations!

It is an important topic in the accelerating development of wind energy in several areas of the world, that we handle in a user-friendly way. 🚀

In this article, we will give an overview of this latest addition to the Youwind IT Platform.

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Include neighbouring wind parks in your wake loss calculations

In the Park Layout Design tab, you will find a new tab called "Neighbouring wind parks". Here you can add one or more neighbouring wind parks to be included in your Scenario. The wakes created by these neighbouring wind parks will be included in the wake loss calculations and you can see the effect on the Annual Energy Production of your wind park.



The neighbouring wind parks can be defined and managed through a new Library category, called Turbine Location Groups.



For each of the neighbouring wind parks, we can define the location of the turbines and the type of the turbine being used, through the Turbine Location Group form, as below. The form also allows uploading the turbine locations as a GeoJSON file.



Once you have included the neighbouring wind parks in your Scenario, and you hit Update, wake losses will recalculate, and you will see the influence of the neighbouring wind parks on your AEP and wake loss %. Also in the wake loss visualization on the map, you can see the wakes of upstream turbines appear (highlighted by the pink arrows in the picture below, although the domain of the visualization is limited to your own wind park to save some computational time.




Some things to note:

  • As before, we visualize the wakes for a chosen wind direction, but the AEP takes into account the full wind rose and includes all wind directions.
  • You can  switch on and off the influence of neighbouring wind parks altogether using the check box "☑️Include neighbouring parks in wake loss calculation"
  • If you choose the Turbopark model to evaluate the wake losses, the influence of neighbouring wind parks may be more pronounced than with the N. O. Jensen model, as the wakes typically are more narrow but extend further in the Turbopark model compared to the N. O. Jensen model. The Turbopark model is reported to better represent the losses seen in operating wind park data, and the model was "developed to accurately capture the effect of both internal wind farm wakes and cluster wakes from neighbouring wind farms" (Pedersen, 2022).


About Youwind Renewables

Youwind is the leading web-based engineering application for offshore wind.

The highly flexible application models the complete engineering and financial project lifecycle of your Offshore Wind projects and optimizes your workflow. Youwind is made by offshore wind experts for professionals in the field.

Its collaborative and integrative approach allows projects to be analyzed and executed more efficiently and reliably. Our solutions empower project developers, suppliers, and investors to make reliable decisions more efficiently without losing accuracy.

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