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Youwind Renewables

Youwind Academy (2)

How does Youwind handle innovation?

At Youwind, we are constantly working to improve our platform by adding new features to continue to chase technical...

Understanding Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind Energy

We can all agree that the offshore wind energy sector is becoming pivotal in the world's efforts to decarbonize the...

How much does the wind blow in your future offshore wind project?

There is absolute consensus within the wind industry, that wind resource is a key input parameter for the initial...

Cables ‘overlooked’ in early offshore wind cost projections

- Cable failures and electrical losses can have a significant impact on long-term profitability – but cables are often...

Offshore wind farm development stages

Development is a challenging task and without a doubt, the most important one is to plan each production, cost, and...

Offshore wind turbine swept area and rated power

The development of offshore wind turbine size has been astonishing over the last two decades. The size increase of the...

AEP calculations uncertainties

Many users needed to have implemented uncertainty calculations to their scenarios so we went right ahead and added that...

Comparing Orsted financial calculations with the YOUWINd model

Today Orsted published their new ambitious goals for the coming years: “Ørsted sets new, ambitious targets for the...